
Sacramento Solicitation Sex Crimes

Soliciting prostitution is a criminalized act in the state of California. Law enforcement can bring solicitation charges against an individual who is offering money, drugs, or services in exchange for sexual favors or cases in which an individual offers sexual favors in exchange for money, drugs, or other goods. In this way, solicitation charges can be brought against the prostitute and the client, or “John.”

If you have been arrested or charged with soliciting prostitution, it is very important that you hire a Sacramento criminal defense attorney to defend your rights and protect your interests. A skilled and knowledgeable lawyer will greatly increase the likelihood that your charges get dropped or your sentence reduced.


The penalties associated with soliciting prostitution can include probation, significant fines, and jail time up to one year in a county jail. Repeat offenders also face harsher consequences under California prostitution law. While the consequences can be harsh, solicitation charges can be successfully fought in the court of law. The laws pertaining to solicitation have been modified over the years in an attempt to protect innocent individuals from unfair prosecution.

In order to make a solicitation charge stick, a prosecutor must establish a “specific intent” to engage in an act of prostitution. California law also requires that the individual being solicited actually receives the solicitation. In this sense an individual can only be charged with attempted solicitation if no one hears your offer of solicitation.

Criminal Lawyer in Sacramento

If you face the legal situation of being accused and charged with solicitation, it is absolutely essential to secure the representation of a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. The attorneys at Wise Law Group, PC have successfully helped many clients in the past face solicitation charges.

As a former prosecutor of ten years, attorney Michael Wise has a solid understanding of the strategies prosecutors use to secure a conviction in these kinds of cases. Call the firm today for comprehensive re presentation and confident defense counsel.

Client Reviews

I’m a proud client of Wise Law Group, Good people very helpful.

Gettem B.

Thank you Mr. Wise for taking my case. When the jury read the words ‘Not Guilty,’ I was given the chance to get my life back.


My name is J.M. and as a police officer, I was shocked and appalled when I was falsely charged with crimes I did not commit. Mike Wise got the case thrown out of court and even got the judge to declare me factually innocent. Cops know who the good attorneys are. When I was falsely accused of a crime...


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